Happy New Years Eve! A business group that I am a part of recently challenged me to create a gratitude list of all the things I’m thankful for. As I reflect back on 2018 and look forward to 2019, I thought there was no better day than today to share it. I’m feeling a little vulnerable posting this, but here I am, reflecting on 2018 with gratitude, in no particular order!

Reflecting on 2018 with Gratitude:
- Life and good health because they are everything! Take away my mind, an organ, a limb, one of my five senses, speech – I would be a completely different person.
- My children for filling my life with love and joy, and being my entire world. I can’t even put it into words.
- My husband for being my companion in life and working so hard to support all of us. I really should say it out loud more, but I’m so grateful for him.
- My parents for being my foundation, raising me, and being loving grandparents. Being a parent, I appreciate them more than ever!
- Siblings. My brother for his strength to overcome obstacles and effort to spend time with my family; and sister for her kind heart and sense of humor.
- My in-laws for treating me like a daughter, and loving and caring for our kids, especially when we need time for our own self-care.
- Extended family – everyone from brother and sister-in-laws, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins. You all hold special places in my heart.
- My best friends from both growing up and college. Even decades later, in our busy seasons of life, we still make time for each other and don’t miss a beat from the last.
- My home, the quaint town we live in, and our community. I couldn’t imagine raising our family anywhere else.
- My daughter’s teachers for guiding her with care and love.
- All four seasons and their changes.
- Music and books for lifting our spirits and being an outlet.
- Technology and the internet for making it easy to connect and communicate, and being a platform for my business.
- Young Living for its essential oils, clean products, community of friends I’ve recently made, and an extra avenue of income for my family.
- YOU – thank you for following and supporting me. It truly means the world.
What are you grateful for as you reflect on this past year? Are you reflecting on 2018 with gratitude? I’d love to know! Comment below!