It’s been a week since we started practicing social distancing, and I’m happy to report that we’re doing very well and surviving, thankfully! I know that’s not the case for many people. My heart goes out to everyone who works in the medical field, those at high risk of this awful virus, parents who are working from home and/or home schooling, parents who don’t know where their child’s next meal is coming from, small businesses – the list goes on and on. I don’t take for granted for one minute how good we have it right now. We are healthy, have all the necessities, working internet (thank God!), and nature outside our door.
I’m curious. Do your kids know what’s going on? How have you explained this all to them, and how are they handling it? Luckily, my kids don’t entirely understand what is going on. We told them there are a lot of germs outside, so we have to stay home from a lot of places, and left it at that. They have been asking about seeing family and friends, so we have been FaceTiming to compensate.
So, how are we surviving social distancing? Every day looks a little different, but for the most part, this is our schedule:
We’re taking our mornings really slow! Thankfully, we don’t have many demands to wake up to, so we’ve been getting up around 7-7:30, and then going downstairs for breakfast, our daily vitamin + supplement line-up, coffee, cartoons, and a quick check of the news. Notice that I’m only checking the news and not watching the news. The news was giving me anxiety and stressing me out, so I’ve been asking Ryan to give me only pertinent updates.
Around 9, I’ll take a ride on the Peloton, which has been so great for me, both mentally and physically. The kids are usually playing in the playroom while I get a workout in. Luckily, my kids are close in age and play relatively good together, so they can keep each other entertained. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still breaking up plenty of fights!
After I shower and dress, I get them ready and we head downstairs. I need some time to do housework, so the kids will do “arts and crafts”, usually coloring or Play-Doh while I unload the dishwasher from the night before, clean up from breakfast, throw in a load of laundry, etc.
Next up is “activities”. We do the daily calendar (linked HERE) and start a lesson from a unit I’m teaching them on the Five Senses. We’ve been doing the Busy Toddler’s Playing Preschool Program since last summer for enrichment, but it hasn’t really been a focus since we moved here over the fall. I’ve been meaning to write a blog post dedicated to it for some time now and promise I will in the near future! If you want to learn more about it, click HERE. Right now they are offering 25% off with coupon code HOME25, bringing it down to $29.25.
By the time we finish that, it’s time to start making lunch already. Honestly, Mairen has not been eating her greatest since being home. It’s been a constant battle between me wanting her to eat meals and her wanting to fill up on snacks. Anyone else? How are you managing this?
After lunch, I put on Clean Up! song from Super Simple Songs on Alexa and they help me clean up their toys from the morning. Together this takes under a half hour. If it’s nice out, we’ll head outside. If it’s not, or if Mae is getting cranky and needs a nap, we’ll have quiet time and Mairen can watch her tablet or something educational streaming on Youtube.
We then do one of the suggested activities from their teachers. If you’re interested in this, I’ve included links: ASQ-3 Activities for Children 36-48 Months Old, and ASQ-3 Activities for Children 48-60 Months Old, depending on how old your children are.
The day ends with dinner, bath, and a story. While I’m making dinner, I BLAST music on Alexa and the kids have a dance party. I’ve been finding this greatly raises MY spirits! If we finish dinner and bath early, we’ll have a “movie night”. Which brings me to my next question: How are your kids sleeping? Mine have been staying up later than usual – closer to 9, but I think that has a lot to do with daylight savings and trying to enjoy being outside later? I’m also trying to go to bed when they do. It is so important during this time to get a good night’s sleep. We’re all emotionally and physically drained and need proper rest to recharge for the next day. On that note, do yourselves a favor and don’t watch the news right before bed!
I hope you found how we’re surviving social distancing, and our loose “schedule” a little bit helpful. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out!
Stay healthy and safe.