Category: Uncategorized

On My Heart Today: Women Deserve Birth Support

Yesterday was tough. I’m heartbroken from recent news that some hospitals are prohibiting all visitors, including partners and support people of women going into labor and delivery (Article linked HERE). In other words, some mothers, will need to birth alone. One of my best friends was delivered this gut wrenching…

How We’re Surviving Social Distancing

It’s been a week since we started practicing social distancing, and I’m happy to report that we’re doing very well and surviving, thankfully! I know that’s not the case for many people. My heart goes out to everyone who works in the medical field, those at high risk of this…

Responsible Diapering with Dyper

Did you know that an estimated 20 billion disposable diapers are added to landfills each year? Furthermore, that diapers in landfills take up to 500 years to degrade? As a result, methane, other toxic gasses, and volatile chemicals end up in the ecosystem. While there is no “perfect” solution to…

What’s In My Purse (Winter Edition)

Before I show you what’s in my purse, I’d like to start off by stating that I absolutely LOVE my Freshly Picked Convertible Diaper Backpack!! I’ve had other backpacks in the past, but none were as stylish or mom-friendly as this one! I’ll get into that in a minute though… …

Reflecting on 2018 with Gratitude

Happy New Years Eve! A business group that I am a part of recently challenged me to create a gratitude list of all the things I’m thankful for. As I reflect back on 2018 and look forward to 2019, I thought there was no better day than today to share…

Why I’m Ditching and Switching to Thieves

Our Story My experience with traditional household cleaners probably sounds very similar to yours: dizziness, dried out hands, fumes, lung irritation, skin irritation, tightness in chest, watery eyes, weezing. The list goes on and on. Today, I’m sharing my story of why I’m “ditching and switching” to Thieves. Since becoming…

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